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鈴木ゆりあ作品集『刻の跡 Traces』(コダックフォトサロン刊)



コダックフォトサロンにて受注刊行いたしておりましたKODAK PHOTO MOOKが2012年7月30日をもちまして刊行終了となりました。 鈴木ゆりあ作品集『刻の跡 Traces』をご購入いただきました皆さま、本当にありがとうございました。

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Yuria SUZUKI"Traces" (Published by KODAK PHOTO SALON)

One of the series of photo books by photographers exhibited at KODAK PHOTO SALON.

Issued : 25th December 2010
20pages / 22images / hard cover
2700yen(tax included)

"Traces," a Kodak Photo Mook by Yuria Suzuki, is no longer in publication. Thanks to all of you who purchased a copy.
We do have a limited number of copies still in stock. If you are interested, you can order a copy.
Copies will be sent by Kuroneko Mail Bin (shipping charges of ¥160 per copy apply within Japan). Please enter your order details - title, quantity, name, address, and phone number - on this page.
Books will be shipped from Studio View.

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